Be Activated Technique

Developed by South African Physical Therapist Douglas Heel, Be Activated uses a system of reflexes throughout the body that wakes up muscles. Once muscles are awake, they can function at their maximum potential in strength, power, endurance, and flexibility. Applications for Be Activated range from improved sports performance, to great gains in training. It is also used to release tight structures throughout the body that are causing pain and dysfunction.


  • Activation with a Personal Trainer $85
  • Activation with a Physical Therapist $150
  • Activate & Dominate Sticks $10

call to schedule your Be Activated session


Developed by South African Physical Therapist Douglas Heel, Be Activated uses a system of reflexes throughout the body that wakes up muscles. Once muscles are awake, they can function at their maximum potential in strength, power, endurance, and flexibility.

This technique releases tight structures throughout the body that cause pain and dysfunction. Once released, most people experience decreased pain and tension, and increased strength and flexibility.

While the deep “activation” of the muscles can be a bit painful for 5-10 seconds during the releases, few people experience any residual pain or discomfort.

Your first Be Activated session will include a series of simple strength tests to see how/if your muscles are firing properly. These quick muscle tests will provide your Therapist/trainer with information about how your body functions.

Although there is not a standard as far as how many times someone should Be Activated, we recommend discussing follow-up plans with your Therapist/trainer. In theory, you will learn to activate yourself using simple techniques and the Activate & Dominate stick so you can always make sure your muscles are firing properly. *Sticks available at CORE, $10.

While studies are just being done, the anecdotal evidence regarding the benefits of the technique is astounding. This article, however, shows research-based evidence of how the technique reduces the risk of injury and enhances performance. You can also visit Douglas Heel’s website, Slow Guy Speed School, and the Activate & Dominate site for more information and testimonials.

Sport And Athletic Programs

Our Physical Therapists and trainers can work with your sports team or athletic program to teach athletes the benefits of Be Activated and how they can utilize the technique to promote strength, proper muscle firing, and prevent injury.